Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Trouble Two, Horrible Three?

常言道:「Trouble Two, Horrible Three」這是家長之間有感而發的說話。我在想,孩子為什麼會給父母麻煩,到三歲時更甚呢?




1 comment:

Lydia said...

So good to see someone have similar opinion about kids' behaviour and cannot help to leave some words.

If parents willing to treat kids the way as the method they treat adults, then they maybe find that「Trouble Two, Horrible Three」not exist anymore.

My learning from my girl who is exactly at such a stage is that she like 講道理 a lot not really just fuss. hehe, and not feel hard as other parents as we get along with each other very well. Anytime if I willing spend time to convience her by a right way, I can got it. Kids just like to be respected and be told in advance because they are kind of stubborn and hope things can happen as they can understand. That is all.

On the other hand, if in parents' mind, the kids should only follow all their orders with no doudt, then they must be disappointed and think kids are trouble. Kids have their own thoughts already.

I think kids at this stage like to express their own opinions a lot and hope adults can accept it as well. It is quite a good time for them to built up or improve their 決定力. The popular words my girl like to say at this stage is, "I growed up already......""Let me help u........""Let me think a way to handle....." She enjoy joining the things happened around even houseworks so much and built self-confidence by that way. From my observation, I know while most parents expected their kids spend the time on learning special skills, in fact the kids just hope to get close to the nature and enjoy daily life more~~~for instance, my girl felt so proud of herself while she could fix the screw of the chair~~~haha~~

hehe, so my dream is still hope my girl can have a happy childhood, and hope I can be her friend forever~~~~

haha, but maybe have to change my mind to "push" her after P1 as have to face to the reality~~haha, poor parents nowadays include me~~~~